Yoga that works for you.

Deeply restorative, to invigorating flow. A little bit of everything.

Restore & Renew

This 90-minute all-levels accessible class will consist of gentle and supportive movements. Think of this practice as one in which we heal from the inside, out. During class, intentional, and anatomically intelligent movements designed to restore our bodies from the wear and tear we experience daily.

Class takes place on blankets & utilizes a variety of props, from bolsters to blocks and more!

Slow Flow

Heated & NonHeated

A step up in intensity from Restore & Renew, Slow Flow is a vibrant vinyasa experience that builds heat in the body through sustainable and intelligent sequencing, finishing with a peak experience.

Don't be fooled by the name- this class offers a challenging integration of postures, encouraging students to meet the resistance we intentionally cultivate with their pranayama (breath), as we transcend into a flow state. Accessible to all levels.

NonHeated class: 75-80° | Heated class: 90-95°

Sound & Soul

'Vinyasa' translates from Sanskrit to mean 'breath-with-movement.' Embody the true spirit of vinyasa yoga while synchronizing your breath, and your body. Accessible to beginner yogis & all levels, this class begins with an extended warm-up that promotes a relationship between your movements, and your breath.

Class progresses through various sequences that build strength, flexibility, and sustainability. Proper alignment and safety are paramount. Class is heated to 85° and will be 60 minutes of movement followed by a 15 minutes of a transcendental sound bath with Henley.

Yoga HOT

Discipline your mind and body for an all over detoxifying release to nourish your entire being. A well rounded practice, HOT is intended to build strength, promote flexibility and improve balance. Class is always comprised of the same 2 breathing exercises, a standing series, and a floor series. Please bring a mat towel and water.

The room is set to 95°

The MELT Method

The MELT method is a gentle movement practice that promotes lymphatic drainage through the use of curated props. Based in neurofascial science, MELT is a self-care technique that enhances mobility and stability, decreases levels of chronic pain and promotes overall wellbeing through the care, support and hydration of our fascia.

Mobility Flow

An internal movement practice promoting joint health, joint space, and tissue longevity. In this class you will develop maximum body control, build strength and flexibility through the full range of motion your body can explore. Leave class with better control and understanding of your body’s capacity for accepting and producing force/load. Think more mobility, more strength, less injury. A lifelong sustainable practice.

Yoga Nidra

Drop in for a meditative Yoga Nidra class with our resident sound healer Henley. Sink effortlessly into a meditative state as the vibrations of our crystal bowls pull you out of your mind and into your body.

An internal meditation practice, you’ll be taken through a guided meditation as the bowls fill the room behind the teachers voice.

The perfect practice to come home to YOU.

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga begins using therapy balls to massage of our hands and feet. Practicing yoga poses in the chair is a great way to get the benefits of moving our joints and strengthening our muscles, without getting on the floor or kneeling. Class concludes with conscious breathing and meditation.

Awakening Intuition: A Meditation Experience

In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves disconnected from our inner voice, relying more on external cues rather than our own intuitive wisdom. This class offers a sanctuary for you to quiet the noise of everyday life and tune into the subtle whispers of your intuition.

Through this guided meditation practice, you will be gently led to explore the realms of your inner landscape, where intuition resides. Learn techniques to cultivate presence, and open yourself to receive intuitive insights with clarity and confidence.

Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, "Awakening Intuition" welcomes individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels.


One of our dreams while opening this space was to be able to host offerings of all different kinds. A space for teachers of all yoga lineages to come share their skills & knowledge. From MELT to arm balances or breath-work, click here to check out what workshops are on the horizon.