Andrea Kennedy

Owner & Founder | Instructor

Trained in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Svaroopa Yoga, and Level 3 MELT Method, Andrea continues her learning journey with industry experts Judith Lasater and Sue Hitzman.

With three decades of teaching experience, Andrea is a fountain of yoga and anatomy knowledge. Passionate founder of The Yoga Studio & LivingYoga, an online yoga community, & a dedicated Yoga Therapist, Andrea seeks to positively impact each student's life by sharing her years of knowledge. Emphasizing the fascia & nervous system as well as anatomy & alignment, Andrea creates a welcoming space where the healing potential of yoga is woven into every practice. Experience Andrea's holistic approach to being present, embracing a transformative journey and supporting your body for a lifetime of mobility.

Bladen Potter

Director of Operations | Instructor

If you get Bladen talking, there’s a pretty good chance she’ll tell you yoga saved her life. Bladen came to the practice as a last ditch effort to find pain relief after one more failed surgery, and found that & so much more. As someone who has a connective tissue disorder and is prone to injury, alignment and anatomy are paramount for Bladen. But it isn’t just the asanas that drew Bladen to the practice, it was the philosophy too. In Bladen’s classes, she shares her experiences about living her yoga off of her mat, and how the practice is one that never ends, even when we roll up our mat. Bladen got her RYT 200 Hr Vinyasa, YIN, and HOT yoga certification in Florida while at college studying anatomy and physiology & is constantly continuing her education journey surrounding the body.

Henley Carver Kennedy

Sound Healer

Henley’s ensemble of instruments includes, crystal bowls, chimes, a Chinese gong, an African harp, Tibetan bowls, crystal pyramids & a handpan.

Henley is just as soft and sweet as her sound baths. Hosting in the Rehoboth Beach area since 2018, her sound healing experiences focus on guiding individuals towards profound relaxation. By creating an environment that allows & promotes individuals to slip into an effortless meditation, Henley is a gift to the studio. With her collection of instruments ranging from crystal bowls to chimes and a gong, you are sure to find your deepest meditative state with her. Join Henley for a sound bath on it’s own or take a yoga class that features a sound bath with Henley…why not both?

Amber Starr


Amber recently won first for her division in a body building competition!

Amber began her yoga journey 6 years ago & fell in love with sharing the healing properties of the practice. A huge transitional space for Amber, the power and positivity of the practice ‘cracked her heart wide open’. Diving deep into the SELF, Amber began exploring mobility, nutrition & somatic healing. Amber currently works in the fitness industry as an Internal Strength and Mobility specialist, specializing in (functional range anatomy systems). A certified YTT 200 Hr, Animal Flow & mobility specialist, Amber feels strongly about supporting individuals on their journey to get to know their heart and bodies better via exploration of the SELF. 

Tara Gush


Making intentional playlists for class is one of Tara’s favorite ways to create.

Tara believes that how we breathe is how we live. A Trauma Informed Breathwork and Transformation Coach, Tara works to combine her passion for movement and breath as a healing modality to inspire and encourage others to transcend their barriers on and off their mats. Using somatic breath work, Tara guides students through taking a deeper dive inward.

Tania Pritz


Tania likes to tell her students that she went kicking and screaming to her first yoga class, and has yet to leave her mat!

Dr. Tania Pritz likes to say that her “Act 2” in life is what brought her to her yoga mat. After spending “Act 1” as a pediatric chiropractor, Tania began to find herself in both the seat of the teacher and student on her mat. Tania’s background in coaching patients towards their comprehensive health & wellness goals, combined with her vast anatomical knowledge make her classes a true treat. Like so many of us, yoga has become her exercise, her church and her therapy. A continuing student of the Jivamukti yoga, Tania often incorperates chanting, pranayama, and spiritual teachings into her yoga classes.

Renah Scudlark


Saying Renah prioritizes travel is an understatement. She’s traveled with Dimitra Yoga, Soulfire Collective, and Arrow Yoga on numerous domestic and international retreats over the years. Next up, Sicily!

Renah discovered yoga over a decade ago through a one credit college course while at The University of Delaware. Searching for a studio to continue her practice in once graduating and returning home, Renah found herself enrolling in multiple teacher trainings all up and down the Eastern Shore. Having completed multiple 200 hour trainings and Yoga Nidra trainings, Renah strives to make her classes balanced and well rounded: strength & flexibility, structure & freedom, movement & stillness, sound & silence. You can expect Renahs' classes to be music-driven while still maintaining an emphasis on the breath. In the end, she hopes you remember that it's all a practice, whether you're on your mat or not.

Joe Garner

Meditation Instructor

It's Joe's mission in life to help people to tap into their intuition and utilize that connection to self to find one's' true purpose in life. Coming from owning a successful business, it wasn't until Joe found meditation that he came into his life's true life calling. After selling his business and taking a year long sabbatical to explore different meditation practices around the world, Joe finds himself back home in Delaware sharing his gift.